With the coming of spring some may be considering a liver cleanse of one kind or another. It's interesting to consider that in acupuncture and Chinese medicine there really is no such thing as a liver cleanse. True, spring is the time when the energy of the liver awakens, so indeed this might be an excellent time to consider the health of your liver. Yet clearing the liver of toxins is unlikely to be the main focus of an acupuncture treatment.
The liver is a very complex organ which is involved in storing and cleansing the blood as well as ensuring the free flow of subtle energy throughout the body. Under certain conditions the liver can become congested and a state of toxicity might result. Liver congestion is often associated with hormonal imbalance and heat toxicity. Restoring liver health can involve clearing heat, freeing the flow of subtle energy, moving blood as well as ensuring that the supply of blood to the liver is sufficient. It is a complex organ to treat that may involve treating other organs alongside the liver, such as the spleen or kidneys. For this reason one is unlikely to come across simple one-size-fits-all prescriptions or cleanses for the Liver in the context of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Any attention we give to our bodies is probably helpful, so indeed it might be quite beneficial to undergo some kind of liver cleanse as we approach the change of season this year. The view in Chinese medicine, however, is a broader one that considers how the state of each of the major organs, not just the liver, contributes to a person's overall health. Sometimes focusing one one organ or one aspect of a person's health without keeping the larger picture in view can create more problems than it solves.
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